查红光 教授

时间:2019-01-04   浏览:2480


Hong-GuangZha, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Life and Environment Sciences, 

Huangshan University, 

39# Xihai Road, Tunxi, Huangshan, Anhui, 

245041 China

E-mail: zhahg@hsu.edu.cn


1993 -1997,安徽大学生物系(B.Sc. AnHui University)

1998-2001,中科院昆明动物研究所(M.Sc. Kunming Zoology Institute, CAS)

2001 -2004,中科院南京土壤研究所(Ph.D.Institute of Soil Sciences, CAS)


植物分子生理学 Plant Molecular Physiology

植物化学生态学Plant Chemical Ecology


植物生理学 plant physiology, 生物化学 Biochemistry



2012-2015,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:自交与异交杜鹃属植物花蜜组成比较及其进化生物学意义研究(NSFC 31170216).


2007-2009,主持云南省自然科学基金面上项目:杜鹃属(Rhododendron)常绿杜鹃亚属(Subg. Hymenanthes)分子系统研究(2007C086M).


Ma X-L, Milne RI, Zhou H-X, Fang J-Y, Zha H-G* (2017) Floral nectar of the obligate outcrossing Canavalia gladiata (Jacq.) DC. (Fabaceae) contains only one predominant protein, a class III acidic chitinase. Plant Biology:n/a-n/a. doi:10.1111/plb.12583(in press)

Zha H-G, Milne RI, Zhou H-X, Chen X-Y, Sun H (2016) Identification and cloning of class II and III chitinases from alkaline floral nectar of Rhododendron irroratum, Ericaceae. Planta 244 (4):805-818. 

Zhou Yanwei,Li Meiping,Zhao Fangfang,Zha Hongguang,YangLiming,Lu Ye,Wang Guangping,Shi Jisen,Chen Jinhui(2016)Floral nectary morphology andproteomic analysis of nectar of Liriodendron tulipifera Linn.,Frontiers inPlant Science,2016,7:826.

Li, Guo-Dong, Kim, Changkyun, Zha, Hong-Guang, Zhuo, Zhuo, Nie, Ze-Long, Sun, Hang. 2014. Molecular Phylogeny and biogeographic analyses of an arctic-alpine genus, Lagotis(Plantaginaceae: Veroniceae). Taxon, 2014, 63 (1): 103-115.

HG Zha, T Liu, JJ Zhou, H Sun. MS-desi, a desiccation related protein in the floral nectar of the evergreen velvet bean (MucunasempervirensHemsl): molecular identification and characterization. Planta, 2013, 238: 77-89. 

Liu T, Zha HG*.Floral nectar composition of an outcrossing bean species MucunasimpervirensHemsl (Fabaceae). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2013, 45(6): 2079-2084. 

Zha HG, Flowers VL, Yang M, Chen LY, Sun H. Acidic alpha-galactosidase, the most abundant nectarin in floral nectar of common tobacco (Nicotianatabacum L.). Annals of Botany, 2012, 109: 735-745.(IF=4.0)

Haudry A, Zha HG, Stift M, Mable BK. Disentangling the effects of breakdown of self-1 incompatibility and transition to selfing in North-American Arabidopsis lyrata. Molecular Ecology, 2012, 21: 1130-1142. 

Zha HG, Milne RI,Sun H. Reproductive isolation and between-site variation in population structure in Rhododendron agastum: a hybrid taxon comprising mainly F1s in Yunnan, China. Annals of Botany, 2010, 105:89-100.

Zha HG, Milne RI,Sun H. Morphological and molecular evidence of natural inter-subgeneric hybridization Rhododendron delavayiFranch.andRhdodendron decorumFranch. fromHengduan Mountains, SW China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156:119-129.

Zha HG, Jiang RF, Zhao FJ, Vooijs R, Schat H, Barker JHA, McGrath SP. 2004. Co-segregation analysis of cadmium and zinc accumulation in Thlaspicaerulescensinterecotypic crosses. New Phytologist, 163:299-312. 

H.G. Zha, W. H. Lee and Y. Zhang, 2001.Cloning of cDNAs encoding C-type lectins from Elapidae snakes Bungarusfasciatus and Bungarusmulticinctus.Toxicon, 39: 1887-1892. 

Kim C, Zha H-G, Deng T, Sun H, Wu S-G (2013) Phylogenetic position of Kontumia (Polypodiaceae) inferred from four chloroplast DNA regions. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51 (2):154-163
